[Google Scholar profile]

Gender Gap in Startup Employment: Evidence from Changes in Termination Costs
Castellaneta, F., Conti, R., Kacperczyk, A. (equal co-authorship)
Forthcoming in Management Science

The Indirect Effect of Entrepreneurship on Pay Dispersion: Entry Cost Reduction, Mobility Threat and Wage Redistribution within Incumbent Firms
Castellaneta, F., Conti, R., Kacperczyk, A., Mamadehussene, S. (equal co-authorship)
Forthcoming in Organization Science

The Racial Gap in Entrepreneurship and Opportunities Inside Established Firms
Yang, T., Kacperczyk, A.
Strategic Management Review (2024) 45(4): 745-774

Employees Don’t Go the Extra Mile for Female Founders
Kacperczyk, A., Younkin, P., Rocha, V.
Harvard Business Review, 103(3-4), p. 26

Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Kacperczyk, A.
Forthcoming in the De Gruyter Handbook of Sociology of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Olav Sorenson and Patricia H. Thornton, Editors

Network Referrals and Self-Presentation in the High-Tech Labor Market
Campero, S., Kacperczyk, A.
Organization Science (2024) 35(4):1342-1362

Human Resource Redeployability and Entrepreneurial Hiring Strategy
Hietaniemi, L., Santamaria, S., Kacperczyk, A, Peltonen, J.
Strategic Management Journal (2024) 45(2): 272-300

The Motherhood Wage Penalty and Female Entrepreneurship
Yang, T., Kacperczyk, A., Naldi, L.
Organization Science (2024): (2024) 35(1): 27-51

Primer for Experimental Methods in Organization Theory
Levine, S., Schilke, O., Kacperczyk, A., Zucker, L. (equal co-authorship)
Organization Science (2023) 34(6): 1997-2025

Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
Kacperczyk, A. (2024). In: Cumming, D., Hammer, B. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Do employees work less for female leaders? A multi-method study of entrepreneurial firms
Kacperczyk, A., Younkin, P., Rocha, V.
Organization Science 34, no. 3 (2023): 1111-1133.

How VCs Can Help Startups Set (and Meet) ESG Goals
Alemany, L., Ioannou, I., Kacperczyk, A. (equal co-authorship)
Harvard Business Review (2022): Jan. 06

Surplus Division between Labor and Capital: A Review and Research Agenda
Sevcenko, V., Wu, L., Kacperczyk, A., Ethiraj, S. K.
Academy of Management Annals (2022), 16(1), pp.334-390.

Experience as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:   Performance outcome delays in the private equity context
Castellaneta, F., Gottschalg, O., Kacperczyk, A.; Wright M., (equal co-authorship)
Journal of Management Studies (2022), 59(6), pp.1359-1385.

Institutional Protection of Minority Employees and Entrepreneurship:  Evidence from the LGBT Employment Non-Discrimination Acts
Conti, R., Kacperczyk, A., Valentini, G. (equal co-authorship)
Strategic Management Journal (2021), 43(4), pp.758-791.

A Silver Lining for Female Founders
Kacperczyk, A., Younkin, P. (equal co-authorship)
Harvard Business Review (2021), 99 (2), 22-24

A Founding Penalty:  Evidence from an Audit Study on Gender, Entrepreneurship, and Future Employment
Kacperczyk, A., Younkin, P. (equal co-authorship)
Organization Science (2021), 33(2), 716-745

The (Un)intended Consequences of Lowering Entry Barriers:  Evidence from Entry Deregulation Reform in Portugal 
Castellaneta, F., Conti, R., Kacperczyk, A. (equal co-authorship)
Strategic Management Journal (2020), 41(7), 1274-1304.

Asymmetric Gender Homophily in the Startup Labor Market
Campero, S., Kacperczyk, A.
Advances in Strategic Management (2020), 41: 329-359

Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
​Guzman, J., Kacperczyk, A.
Research Policy (2019), 48(7), pp.1666-1680.

Experience and Entrepreneurship:  A Career Transition Perspective
Thompson, T., Rider, C., Kacperczyk C., Tag, J. 
ILR Review (2019), 72(5), 1149-1181

Corporate social responsibility as a defense against knowledge spillovers:  Evidence from the inevitable disclosure doctrine 
Flammer, C, Kacperczyk A. (equal co-authorship)
Strategic Management Journal (2019): Vol 4: Issue 8: 1243-1267

Occupational licensure and entrepreneurs: The case of tax preparers in the U.S.
Albert, K., Galperin, R., Kacperczyk A. (equal co-authorship)
ILR Review (2019), 72(5), 1065-1093

Vertical and Horizontal Wage Dispersion and Mobility Outcomes:  Evidence from the Swedish Microdata
Kacperczyk A., Balachandran C., 
Organization Science (2018), 29(1), 17-38

The Paradox of Breadth:  The Tension Between Experience and Legitimacy in the Transition to Entrepreneurship 
Kacperczyk, A., Younkin P.  (equal co-authorship)
Administrative Science Quarterly (2017), Vol 62:4 p 731-764

Money Secrets: How do Trade Secrets Affect Firm Value?  Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
Castellaneta, F., Conti, R., Kacperczyk, A. (equal co-authorship)
Strategic Management Journal (2016), Vol 38:4 p 834-853

Revisiting the Small-Firm Effect on Entrepreneurship:  Evidence from Firm Dissolutions
Kacperczyk, A., Marx, M. (equal co-authorship)
Organization Science (2016), Vol 27:4 p 893-910

Knowledge Asymmetry and Disintermediation in Brokerage:  Linking Network Perception to Structural Holes and Performance
Hahl, O., Kacperczyk, A., Davis, J.
Strategic Organization (2016), Vol 14:2 p 118-143​

Disentangling Risk and Change:  Internal and External Social Comparison in the Mutual Fund Industry
Kacperczyk, A., Beckman, C., Moliterno, T., 2015
Administrative Science Quarterly (2015), 60(2):228-262

The Impact of Stakeholder Orientation on Innovation:  Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Flammer, C., Kacperczyk, A. (equal co-authorship)
Management Science (2015), Vol 62:7 p 1982-2001

Social Influence and Entrepreneurship:  The Effect of University Peers on Entrepreneurial Entry
Kacperczyk, A.
Organization Science (2013), 24(3): 664-683

Opportunity Structures in Established Firms:  Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship in Mutual Funds
Kacperczyk, A.
Administrative Science Quarterly (2012), 57(3): 484-521

With Greater Power Comes Greater Responsibility:  Takeover Protections and Corporate Attention to Stakeholders
Kacperczyk, A.
Strategic Management Journal (2009), 30(3): 261- 285